We all know that smell. The one that lingers after a night at a bar, dinner with friends who smoke, or a night out at a concert. That stench of an old ashtray that follows you home and permeates everything. Now what? HOW TO GET RID OF CIGARETTE ODOR FROM CLOTHES?
Without Washing:
A primeira coisa que uma roupa com mal odor precisa é um pouco de ar fresco. Pendure a roupa em uma área bem ventilada…melhor ainda, pendure do lado de fora. É incrível o que um pouco de sol e ar fresco podem fazer.
Odor Eliminator Spray
If the smell of smoke remains, keep clothing hanging and use an odor eliminator all over clothing.
You can make your own spray to eliminate the odor by combining equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Add 20-30 drops of your favorite essential oil such as lemon or mint oil.
Sodium bicarbonate
Put the clothes in an extra-large zippered plastic bag with plenty of room to move. If you don't have a large enough zippered bag, you can also use a plastic shopping bag or a garbage bag. add ½ cup baking soda, close or tie the bag tightly, shake quickly and let it sit overnight. This will give the baking soda time to absorb the odor. After sitting down, take the bag outside, open it and shake off the excess baking soda.
Steam is another option for reducing odor on clothes that cannot be machine washed. Check the clothing procedure label to see if you can steam your clothing. Use 3:1 distilled water for scrubbing and alcohol solution for water reservoir for extra odor elimination.
In the washing machine:
Pre-Wash Vinegar
Before washing, soak the clothes in vinegar. Add 1 cup of vinegar to the sink or bucket and fill with warm water. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a fresh scent.
Wet clothing for 30-60 minutes and then wash as instructed.
Lemon juice
Fresh lemon juice can work wonders for all types of cleaning, especially laundry. Lighten stains and remove all kinds of odors, such as smoke, just by adding ½ cup lemon juice to rinse.
Alcohol is a powerful and safe odor remover on most washable fabrics. pour ½ cup of cheap vodka (or isopropyl alcohol) in the wash to eliminate harsh odors.
Check your washing machine for smoke stink.
It may be necessary to clean your washer, especially if you have a newer, high-efficiency washer. Follow your machine's instructions or repeat the washing steps without adding laundry.
Trust a professional cleaner.
If you only have clothes to dry clean and airing or bagging them isn't enough, you'll have little choice. A good professional have several options of limpeza a seco and wet for clothes with a strong cigarette odor.
Clean Express Laundry – her friend and especially her clothes.