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Why Clothes Shrink During Washing

Why Clothes Shrink During Washing


Clothes shrinking during washing is a common problem that can be caused by several factors. Let’s explore the main reasons:

1. Heat

Altas temperaturas durante a lavagem e secagem podem causar o encolhimento das fibras. Este é um problema significativo para tecidos como lã e algodão. O calor faz com que as fibras se “relaxem” e depois se contraiam quando esfriam, resultando no encolhimento do tecido.

  • Example: A cotton shirt washed in hot water and then dried on a high heat will likely shrink.

2. Water

Water absorption by fibers can lead to swelling and then shrinking when they dry. This phenomenon is more common in natural fibers, such as cotton and wool, which absorb more water.

  • Example: A wool sweater that absorbs water during washing and, when dried, shrinks beyond its original size.

3. Mechanical Action

The agitation of the washing machine and the tumbling of the dryer can cause the fibers to tighten. This effect is most pronounced in fabrics that have not been pre-shrunk.

  • Example: A non-preshrunk cotton T-shirt that is washed and dried with a lot of agitation may shrink significantly.

4. Fiber Construction

The way a fabric is knitted or woven can influence its propensity to shrink. Fabrics with tighter stitches tend to shrink more than those with looser stitches.

  • Example: A sweater knitted with tight stitches is more likely to shrink compared to a sweater with wide stitches.

5. Fiber Composition

Different types of fibers react differently to washing. Natural fibers, such as cotton and wool, are more prone to shrinkage, while synthetic fibers, such as polyester and nylon, are generally more stable.

  • Example: Cotton pants may shrink after washing, while polyester pants tend to maintain their size.

6. Pre-Treatments

Some fabrics are pre-shrunk or treated to resist shrinkage during washing and drying. Fabrics that have not undergone this treatment are more likely to shrink.

  • Example: A pair of jeans that have not been pre-shrunk may shrink after the first wash.

How to Minimize Shrinkage

To prevent or minimize clothing shrinkage, follow these tips:

  1. Read the Instructions on the Label: Always follow the instructions care instructions provided by the manufacturer.

  2. Wash in Cold Water: Washing clothes in cold water reduces the risk of shrinkage.

  3. Avoid Hot Dryers: Use the dryer on low or medium heat to minimize shrinkage.

  4. Use Delicate Programs: Choose gentler washing and drying cycles to reduce mechanical action on the fibers.

By following these practices, you can extend the life of your clothes and maintain their original size for longer.

Don't have time to follow these instructions or don't want to risk ruining your favorite piece? Then let with us and rest assured! Collect your item clean, smelling good and without shrinkage.


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